


1.0 一直在寻找有创意的小礼品,10天,寻找到了近100种,boss竟然还不满意,把已经给我发过N次的e-mail又翻出来,发了一次,而且还再次写上:“This is innovative idea...”郁闷了至少一个上午。

2.0 下午,boss在skype上问:“Hi friend...what are you doing?"

3.0 5点,在海王见到景红柳及他的同事。景红柳比我想象的要“老”一些。因为他来深圳比我还迟两年,怎么觉得他应该比我乳臭未干一些,不料竟然还比我长着几岁。

4.0 三人在海王对面的饭馆海侃,难免互相展示了一下自己的“曾经沧海”,但感觉还都是一滩水。(其实海侃的只有我跟景红柳,他的同事很安静。很像10年前的我。)

5.0 晚上,为gf收集KFC茶犬一个,这是5个里面的第3个。KFC的兄弟好奇地问:“你也在收集?”我说:“yes,我收集了两套,骗女孩子很管用。”他半信半疑。

6.0 22点,到office静坐两个小时,搜英文 MP3 10 首。命名曰:“不朽的声音”。第一首便为卡彭特《Yesterday once more》。卡彭特那温婉可人、空灵、安恬中又略带犹郁的歌喉,是我最钟爱的声音。只是可惜,听说她在1983年的一个早上,减肥而引发心脏病发作,去世了。真是令人唏嘘。

贴上 Yesterday once more,以示怀念:
    When I was young I'd listen to the radio
    Waiting for my favorite songs
    When they played I'd sing along,
    It make me smile.
    Those were such happy times and not so long ago
    How I wondered where they'd gone.
    But they're back again just like a long lost friend
    All the songs I love so well.
    Every shalala every wo'wo
    still shines.
    Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing
    so fine
    When they get to the part
    where he's breaking her heart
    It can really make me cry
    just like before.
    It's yesterday once more.
    (Shoobie do lang lang)
    Looking bak on how it was in years gone by
    And the good times that had
    makes today seem rather sad,
    So much has changed.
    It was songs of love that I would sing to them
    And I'd memorise each word.
    Those old melodies still sound so good to me
    As they melt the years away
    Every shalala every wo'wo still shines
    Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're startingTo sing
    so fine
    All my best memorise come back clearly to me
    Some can even make me cry
    just like before.
    It's yesterday once more.
    (Shoobie do lang lang)
    Every shalala every wo'wo still shines.
    Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing
    so fine
    Every shalala every wo'wo still shines.
    Every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they're starting to sing
    so fine

